Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
Toll Free 1800.899.900

Profits Matter, But Accomplishment is what Drives us !

Our Recruitment Services

Recruitment & Staffing

Maybe it’s time to infuse some fresh blood, fresh pair of eyes who have been there and done that! Yes, it is a good sign, a sign that your company is growing and needs more hands to help build it further. We can help you with all your needs. Bring in the senior leadership, the C level executives The specialist...Read More

Mentoring, Leadership

Maybe it’s time to sit the people down and press the reset button! Imbibe discipline of personal mastery, the art of thinking systemically. Make sure you take the right fork in the road and channelize all the resources on it....Read More


It’s surprising the out of the box thinking and the adaptability that some of the young Turks exhibit. Why not leverage it! In the ever changing world we need to have a hot bed of ideas. Success is not the key to happiness.Happiness is the key to success.Yes, finding the right people the right people who love...Read More

Our Designing Services


We believe that good architecture has the power to change the way we live. At home or at work, while traveling, relaxing or being entertained, good architecture brings people together, it creates a sense of wonder and it enables everybody who uses the space to do things they couldn’t before....Read More


We work with our team to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive environment by creating workplaces that reflect their brand and culture, support the work styles of their employees and increase organizational performance. With this process we can help clients...Read More


As cities seek to address the environmental impacts caused by growing populations, our role becomes increasingly technical, understanding the processes that cause landscapes to change overtime, creating a design that enhances our and tomorrow....Read More

Our Process

Meet & Agree

Requirement & Analysis

Idea & Concept


We begin with listening, we are investing our reputation in your dreams, we succeed when your dreams are realized.We start with a comprehensive understanding of each of our clients. We push back on dominant logic, we break the status quo, disrupt mediocrity. We don't implement the best practices solutions - we innovate around them and look beyond the obvious. We believe in agile , high- velocity , and high impact delivery that creates great outcome .
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"Coming together is a beginning . Keeping together is progress.Working together is success." Dalitso imbibes the culture of sharing and collaboration, combined with innovative thinking , processes and technologies that surpasses the expectation. Come join us, and be a part of team that creates Landmark!!

USA Office

355 S. Teller Street, Lakewood, CO 80226 Phone:+720-590-8973 / +12147643479


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